Thursday, February 9, 2017

Deciphering Test Results

As a result of my RA and its treatment, I need to get blood work done every two months, or more often. How fun.

Yesterday I went for my first blood work of 2017 to find out that the doctor's standing orders in the hospital's computer system ended at the end of 2016. I had to call my doctor to get them reinstated. Then the tech tried three times in my elbow (I have little scrawny veins and only one available arm after chemo) before trying twice in the back of my hand before getting in.

Now I have the results back and I am trying to decipher them. What exactly do they mean? I know a few of them, but not all:

  • My red blood counts never recovered from chemo
  • My CRP (c-reactive protein, a sign of inflammation and RA) is elevated.

And the rest of it, some in normal ranges and some not, don't make much sense to me. I see my rheumatologist next week and I am sure she will say 'helpful' things like: 'your blood counts are pretty good but I see the elevated inflammation'.

I'll wait until I see her next week to learn the rest.

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